Kingston Riverside

United Kingdom / England
Location ID: #999-3331
The picturesque Kingston riverside is one of the most beautiful areas in the royal borough. The area is a haven for wildlife including swans and numerous bird species and the riverside is bustling with a plethora of shops, restaurants and bars. The historic Kingston Bridge, made of Portland Stone and opened in 1828, stretches over the river. [TAGS: South West London, the Thames, riverbank, bridges, view, views, canal, canals, boat, boats] For more information email [email protected] or call or call 0207 620 0391.

Location Category:

  • BRIDGES - [general];
  • LAKES / RIVERS - Rivers


Barge Walk
London, ENG KT1
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FilmFixer Ltd
Unit C
57-59 Great Suffolk Street
London SE1 0BB
Phone: 0207 620 0391
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