Scovell Estate

United Kingdom / England
Location ID: #999-9926
Scovell Estate is a unique, 1970s residential estate. It contains council flats (some with balconies), open walkways, staircases, and a fenced children's playground. It is well-kept and characterised by its attractive yellow brick walls and buildings. A railway line runs parallel to the estate, and Borough Underground station is under a ten minute walk away. [TAGS: Southwark, South London, social house, houses, housing, neighbourhood, area, community, yellow-brick, smart, modern, interesting] For more information email [email protected]

Location Category:

  • ACCOMMODATIONS - [general];
  • CITIES / TOWNS - Inner City / Urban;
  • HOUSING - Low Income / Projects


Scovell Road
London, ENG SE1 1PS
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FilmFixer Ltd
Unit C , 57-59 Great Suffolk St
London, ENG SE1 0BB
Phone: 0207 620 0391
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