Copthall Leisure Centre

United Kingdom / England
Location ID: #999-15791
Copthall Leisure Centre is newly refurbished hosting three swimming pools; a competition pool, a smaller shallower teaching pool and a community pool which are both 25 meters long! There is a viewing platform for the competition pool with staggered seating. The centre has a large sports hall with basketball court and studio space. The modern gym and changing facilities give the centre the feel of a health club. The exterior of the centre could double as an academic campus. The large car park including coach bays which could be used for parking. [TAGS: North London, Barnet, swimming pool, pool, exercise, fitness, community, carpark, parking, school] For more information call us on the number below or email [email protected]

Location Category:

  • SPORTS - Athletic Clubs & Gyms;
  • SPORTS - Swimming Pools


Champions Way
London, ENG NW4 1PX
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FilmFixer Ltd
Unit C
57-59 Great Suffolk Street
London SE1 0BB
Phone: 0207 620 0391
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