Thamesmead - Hartlock Drive

United Kingdom / England
Location ID: #999-19634
This area forms part of Thamesmead South and offers great views out across the South Mere. The blocks - including Osney House and Trewsbury House - are typical of the Thamesmead aesthetic; distinctive, tall, concrete blocks standing alongside each other. [TAGS: Bexley, South East London, estate, estates, housing, flats, apartments, block, tower, towers, tall, unique, brutalist, private, council, waterside, walkway, steps, garage, garages] For more information email [email protected] [TAGS: Thamesmead]

Location Category:

  • HOUSES - Apartments


Hartlock Drive
London, ENG SE2 9XA
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FilmFixer Ltd
Unit C
57-59 Great Suffolk Street
London SE1 0BB
Phone: 0207 620 0391
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