Crystal Palace Park - Terraces, Stairs & Sphinx

United Kingdom / England
Location ID: #999-3503
Crystal Palace Park is a highly distinctive location with many unique features including steps to the old Crystal Palace and Dinosaur Court. The park has a large, flat, open green space with views over London; a raised stone patio decorated with stone statues and columns; a vast, dense woodland; and a pond and small lake where Dino Island is located. The terraces can serve as an excellent Unit Base or there is the nearby Coach Park. For more information, please email [email protected] or call 020 3904 4545. [TAGS: Privlocs, South London, Bromley, CPPT, Crystal, period, park, city park, historical park, lakes, woodlands, statues, sphinx, plinth, arches, arch, Italian terraces, stairs, ponds, Crystal Palace Bowl]

Location Category:

  • GARDENS - [general];
  • MUSEUMS / EXHIBITS - Science / History;
  • PARKS - [general];
  • PARKS - Historic Parks;
  • PUBLIC ART - Statues / Monuments

Architecture Style:

  • Period 1800s;
  • Period 1920s - 1930s


Thicket Road
London, ENG SE20 8DT
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London SE1 0BB
Phone: 0207 620 0391
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