Carnegie Library

United Kingdom / England
Location ID: #999-4496
This beautiful Edwardian, Grade II listed library was one of the Carnegie Libraries founded by the Scottish-American businessman and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie. It is located close to Denmark Hill and Herne Hill and has a reading and wildlife garden, four large rooms, a gallery, rolling archives, the main library space and plenty of room for storing equipment. [TAGS: Lambeth, South London, libraries, Victorian, large, modern, garden, gardens, interesting, quiet, meeting, conference, bright, well lit, well-lit] For more information email [email protected]

Location Category:

  • BUSINESSES / BUILDINGS - [general];
  • GOVERNMENT - Libraries


188 Herne Hill Road
London, ENG SE24 0AG
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FilmFixer Ltd
Unit C
57-59 Great Suffolk Street
London SE1 0BB
Phone: 0207 620 0391
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